
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Acids Cause Heart Attacks and Strokes NOT Cholesterol!

A new national study has shown that nearly 75 percent of all patients hospitalized for a Heart attack or stroke had normal or low cholesterol levels. According to current savants this would indicate they were not at high risk for a cardiovascular event, according to current national cholesterol guidelines.

Specifically, these patients had low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels that met current guidelines, and close to half had LDL levels classified in guidelines as optimal (less than 100 mg/dL).

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of the pH Miracle Living Center, "if you have normal or low blood cholesterol and are living and acidic lifestyle and diet you are at a higher risk for a stroke or heart attack than someone with cholesterol over 300 mg/dl."

"High blood cholesterol indicates that the body is trying to buffer excess dietary and/or metabolic acid. This is a good thing. Cholesterol is good not bad. Acid is bad and the cause of stroke and heart attacks," states Dr. Young.

"Almost 75 percent of heart attack patients fell within recommended targets for LDL cholesterol, demonstrating that the current guidelines may not be low enough to cut heart attack risk in most who could benefit," said Dr. Gregg C. Fonarow, Eliot Corday Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and the study's principal investigator.

"Unfortunately, Dr. Fonarow and Cordsay just don't get it. Cholesterol is not the problem. The problem is a person's acidic lifestyle and dietary choices," states Dr. Young.

While the risk of cardiovascular events increases substantially with LDL levels above 40-60 mg/dL, current national cholesterol guidelines consider LDL levels less than 100-130 mg/dL acceptable for many individuals. The guidelines are thus not effectively identifying the majority of individuals who will develop fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events, according to the study's authors.

"Persons who are at risk for a heart attack or stroke are persons who live an acidic lifestyle and diet, such as:

1) Lack of adequate exercise. You should exercise every day for at least 1 hour. And you should be sweating which helps to remove dietary and metabolic acids from the blood and tissues.

2) Eating animal proteins. Cut out all animal proteins for plant proteins, such as Hemp meal or protein. Hemp protein has twice the protein content than animal protein.

3) Eating dairy products. There are no substitutes for dairy products.

4) Vinegar. Never use it. IT is poisonous!

5) Mushrooms and algae. They break the body down and recycle it back to the earth.

6) Corn, corn starch and corn syrup. It is a strong acid and should never be consumed!

7) Peanuts. They are full of mold.

8) Eggs. Eggs are for creating a baby chick not for eating. They are full of bacteria. Approximately 38,000,000 million per egg. Eggs are dirty and filthy of the blood and tissues. They also activate the immune system to clean up the bloody mess.

9) Chocolate. Two acids - theobromine and methylbromine - they both kill.

10) Any form of sugar with the last 3 letters of "ose' or "tol." For example, sucrose or maltose, or Xylitol or Mannitol. All sugar in all of its forms is toxic to the body and should never be consumed.

These are the top ten acidic food choices that destroy a body and lead to heart attack or stroke," states Dr. Young.

Researchers also found that more than half of patients hospitalized for a heart attack had poor high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, according to national guidelines.

"If you want to be healthy you need healthy fats. The healthiest of all the fats are the polyunsaturated Omega 3's found in flax seed and hemp seed. I suggest eating at least 2 to 3 ounces of healthy oil or fat a day. This helps to increase the high-density lipoproteins," states Dr. Young.

Published in the January issue of the American Heart Journal, the study suggests that lowering guideline targets for LDL cholesterol for those at risk for cardiovascular disease, as well as developing better treatments to raise HDL cholesterol, may help reduce the number of patients hospitalized for heart attack in the future.

"Sounds like good advise from the allopathic point of view but is is way off the target. The key is to decrease acidic foods and drinks and increase exercise, alkaline foods and drinks, especially the long chain fats or Omega 3's," states Dr. Young.

Researchers analyzed data from 136,905 patients hospitalized for a heart attack nationwide between 2000 and 2006 whose lipid levels upon hospital admission were documented. This accounted for 59 percent of total hospital admissions for heart attack at participating hospitals during the study period.

Among individuals without any prior cardiovascular disease or diabetes, 72.1 percent had admission LDL levels less than 130 mg/dL, which is the current LDL cholesterol target for this population. Thus, the vast majority of individuals having their first heart attack would not have been targeted for effective preventative treatments based on the criteria used in the current guidelines.

The team also found that half of the patients with a history of heart disease had LDL cholesterol levels lower than 100 mg/dL, and 17.6 percent of patients had LDL levels below 70 mg/dL, which are guideline targets for LDL cholesterol in those at fair risk and at high risk for cardiovascular disease, respectively.

The study also showed that HDL cholesterol, or "good cholesterol," levels have dropped in patients hospitalized for heart attack over the past few years, possibly due to increasing rates of obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes.

Researchers found that 54.6 percent of patients had HDL levels below 40 mg/dL. Developing more effective treatments to boost HDL levels may help reduce the number of patients hospitalized for heart attacks, according to the authors.

"We found that less than 2 percent of heart attack patients had both ideal LDL and HDL cholesterol levels, so there is room for improvement," said Fonarow.

Fonarow said that only 59 percent of patients in the database had their lipid levels checked upon admission, which should be increased, since these early measurements can often help guide treatment decisions.

He also noted that only 21 percent of patients in the study were taking lipid-lowering medications before admission, despite almost half having a prior history of cardiovascular events, which would prompt treatment.

"Bottom line, heart attacks and strokes are caused by acidic lifestyles and diets. If you want to reduce the risk for heart attack and stroke the focused needs to be placed on the personal lifestyle and dietary choice - and that choice needs to move to a more alkaline lifestyle and diet," states Dr. Young.

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