
Monday, August 18, 2008

Cesium Carbonate and Cesium Chloride Kills Cancer Cells

Killing Cancer Cells With High pH Therapy
pH Range

<--Cell death-><-----Mitosis--------><---------Cell death------->


Cells, whether cancerous or normal can only live and reproduce (undergo mitosis) in a pH range of between 6.5 and 7.5. A healthy cell has a pH of 7.35 while a cancer cell is more acidic. Cesium when taken orally will raise the pH of cancer cells, but not that of normal cells. When the pH of a cancer cell goes above 7.5 it dies and if it goes above 8.0 it will die in a matter of hours.

What Can Enter a Cancer Cell

Every cell in the body is like a little battery. To successfully bring nourishment in, and take poisons out, it has to be fully charged. In a cancerous cell, the charge (called cell voltage) drops from 90 millivolts to less than 40 millivolts. When the cell voltage gets to the very bottom, only 5 substances can pass in or out of the cell. They are water, sugar, potassium, cesium and rubidium. Oxygen cannot enter into a cancer cell. So you see, even if there is a lot of oxygen in the blood, it won't get into the cell. Cesium, because of its electrical properties can still enter the cancerous cell. When it does so, because of it's extreme alkalinity, the cell dies. Luckily, healthy cells are not affected by cesium because their cell voltage allows them to balance themselves. The only side effect is a loss of potassium which can be remedied with eating a few bananas and potatoes. Continue Reading >>

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