
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Low or No Protein Diet May Extend Life

The key to longevity is eating less protein or better still no animal protein -- and not just fewer calories and less acidity, as has previously been thought -- scientists have discovered.

"Animals that eat less live longer -- up to a point,"
says Professor Stephen Simpson of the University of Sydney's School of Biological Sciences. "Our research using animal models shows the balance of protein to carbohydrate in the diet is critical."

The idea that restricting food intake without malnutrition prolongs life has become a core belief in gerontology research, Professor Simpson says. "We know dietary restriction extends life in yeasts, fruit flies, worms, mice and monkeys, and it is widely held that the same affect should be true for humans."

But scientists couldn't be sure whether it was the restriction of calories in itself, or the restriction of specific nutrients, that affected aging. But now Professor Simpson and colleagues at Seoul University, Auckland University, UNSW and Macquarie have measured for the first time in any organism the relationship between diet, nutrient intake, lifespan and reproduction

Using new techniques developed by Professor Simpson and Professor David Raubenheimer (Auckland) the team showed in the fruit fly that calorie restriction is not responsible for extending lifespan: rather the balance of protein to carbohydrate in the diet was critical.

"Flies lived longest when the diet contained a low percentage of protein, and died sooner the more protein they consumed," says Professor Simpson.
"But protein is needed for reproduction -- so flies are faced with a conundrum: eat less protein and live longer, or eat more protein and lay more eggs?"

Professor Simpson said his team 'asked' the flies what they preferred. "When offered a choice, flies behaved like nutrient-seeking missiles, unerringly mixing a relatively high protein diet that maximized their lifetime egg production. In other words, flies preferred to achieve maximum evolutionary fitness rather than live as long as possible."

"In demonstrating the role protein plays in determining both lifespan and reproduction, my co-authors and I have united a body of apparently conflicting work within a common framework and provided a new platform for studying aging in all organisms," Professor Simpson said.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, has stated, "proteins are organizations of salt minerals, oxygen and water.
The primary element in the formation of protein is nitrogen and oxygen which gives rise to phosphorus in the creation of protein. The word equation is as follow:

Nitrogen + Oxygen <=> Phosphorus

Proteins can also been formed through the transformation of sulfur in the following word equation:

Sulfur - Hydrogen <=> Phosphorus

Sulfur (S) is the element of transition to form phosphorus (P). Sulfur (S) is a biological transformation of nascent oxygen (O1) and/or phosphorus (P).

O + O <=> S
S - H <=> P
F + O <=> P

"Sulfur (S) is found in glutathione and B vitamins essential in maintaining the alkaline design of the body."

"Sulfur (S) and Phosphorus (P) play an important role in bone formation, gray matter, in the envelopes of neurons and a constituent element of the nucleic acids."

"In the chain of DNA molecules a phosphoric group alternates with deoxyribose. Phosphorus is thus one of the constituents of deoxyribo-nucleic acid (DNA), which carries the hereditary genetic code."

"Sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P) are major elements of life and are linked in the relationship of life which allows nature to go from one to the other in case of a deficiency."

Dr. Young further states, "the best sources of phosphorus and sulfur are the green veggies, green fruits and mineral salts from the sea, like broccoli, avocado, green cabbage, sea vegetables, grasses and sea salt."

"One of the most important reasons for not eating protein and especially animal protein is to reduce the acid load on the body. Animal proteins produce toxic acidic residues of uric and nitric acid.
These acids from eating animal protein compromise the delicate pH balance of the body fluids and sets the stage for a variety of cancerous conditions," states Dr. Young.

"The best diet for longevity, health, energy, fitness and vitality is a diet that contains NO PROTEIN and has a high concentration of chlorophyll, healthy medium and long chain fats, alkaline water and all the mineral salts or at least the 12 inorganic cell or tissue salts," explains Dr. Young.

Dr. Young further states, "I call this way of eating and drinking the COWS plan. Which is an acronym that stands for:

C = chlorophyll
O = oil and oxygen
W = water that is clean and alkaline
S = salts that are whole and unprocessed."

Dr. Young is now offering a 4 ounce concentrated liquid chlorophyll from organically grown alfalfa for $19.95 a bottle. This concentrated liquid chlorophyll has no preservatives, no sugars, no alcohol added, like all other liquid chlorophyll products on the market today. It is a freshly juiced concentration of organic alfalfa that can be added to any alkaline water. It is also great for children. He currently offers in capsule in powder a concentration of green fruits and vegetables.

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