
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Living Food Lecture Notes

"Nature did not create man with a cooker by his side. Man existed on this planet for ages before he knew how to start a fire, and in those days of unfired food he was, undoubtedly, like all the rest of God's creatures who live in the freedom of nature, healthier and stronger physically than the present day diseased and degenerate product of artificial living and hypercivilization."

Raw food diet
Article from http://www.healthy-eating-guide.com/ch1-raw-food-diet.php

We begin with a recommendation of uncooked food. Much can and should be said in favour of raw or uncooked food. Less boiling, roasting and fermenting, and more of raw food would undoubtedly do away with a great deal of weakness and disease.

Nature did not create man with a cooker by his side. Man existed on this planet for ages before he knew how to start a fire, and in those days of unfired food he was, undoubtedly, like all the rest of God's creatures who live in the freedom of nature, healthier and stronger physically than the present day diseased and degenerate product of artificial living and hypercivilization.

The constant use of cooked, highly spiced and fermented food takes away the relish of natural raw food. It deprives man of the natural instinct and intuition for the right selection and combination of foods.

The majority of people in the West, reared from infancy on the most unwholesome and haphazard food combinations, have lost the capacity for tasting and enjoying the delicate natural flavors of fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Mankind, for ages, has lived almost entirely on cooked and highly seasoned foods and stimulants. This has atrophied the taste buds in the tongue and palate. Natural sensitiveness for the finest flavors of fruits, nuts, vegetables and other uncooked foods can be restored only by using the latter much more liberally in the daily dietary.


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