
Sunday, July 20, 2008

New! pH Miracle Water

Your body is 70 percent water.

Water composes 70 percent of muscle, 25 percent of fats, 75 percent of your brain, and over 80 percent of your blood.

Alkaline water water regulates your body's temperature, cushions and protects vital organs, aids in digestion, transports nutrients within each cell, and dispels acidic wastes. Alkaline water can also help prevent kidney stones caused by the body chelating excess acid with calcium.

One study showed that women who drank more than five glasses of water a day had a 45 percent less risk of colon cancer, also a result of excess acidity in the lower bowel. Yet, another study showed a decreased chance of bladder cancer when more than 2.5 quarts of fluid were consumed daily.

Maintaining your level of hydration is very important to the overall health of your pancreas and your body as a whole. You should be drinking at least four liters of alkalized and energized water, or about one gallon per day, based on 70 kilos or 154 pounds.

pH Miracle Activated Micro-ionized Water

So, what is pH Miracle Activated alkalized and energized water? To answer this question we must first look at a brief history.

In the 1930s two men made major discoveries that we are only now beginning to understand and act upon.

Victor Schauberger, a forester in the Australian mountains, discovered that water is a living entity that has truly remarkable powers as it emerges from high mountain Springs. If it were allowed to run between cool shady banks of the original forest, it would remain energized and be able to enrich the whole of the watershed in which it flowed. In deed, the whole in ecology of the land and animals, including man, depends on this energize water.

Schauberger showed that if the forest cover that shaded the banks of the water courses was logged and the water therefore became heated by the sun, the life-giving properties of primary water were gradually dissipated. The whole water cycle became disrupted; the fertility of the soil was depleted, and so was the health of all who drank the water.

Meanwhile, in France , Claude Vincent was commissioned by the French government to find out why certain areas of France have higher levels of cancer than others. Professor Vincent was a hydrologist. He therefore tested the water in these areas and confirmed independently, what Schauberger had found. The areas that had a high level of health and a low incidence of cancer had water that came from deep artesian springs and was highly energized.

The converse was also true.

The areas that displayed the highest cancer incidence and overall mortality were shown to have low energy-water that came from more superficial sources; by flowing through open country it had lost its ability to sustain health in the ecosystem.

Vincent , initially tested three parameters:

1) pH or acid alkaline balance: Healthy water was more alkaline; degraded water became more acidic. This was found long before the acid rain from industrial gases started to kill our lakes and rivers. Vincent also tested the pH of blood saliva and urine and found that in poor health the internal water was more acidic, especially in the tissues. The more acidic the tissues became, the higher the risk of the ill health cancer and of course diabetes.

2) rH2 was the second quality that Vincent measured. This is a measure of energy and reflects the number of electrons in the water. Unfortunately, energized water is called "reduced" water, and the energizing process called reduction, because the early scientist believed that electrical current flowed from the positive pole to the negative pole. We now know that it flows in the opposite direction, and it is the flow of electrons that does the work, whether in an electrical appliance or in the human body.

rH2 is also linked to the reduction oxidation potential (ORP), called "redox" for short. Again, oxidation means a loss of energy or electrons and a gain of protons or acids, and reduction means a gain in energy or electrons and a loss of protons or acids. rH2 or ORP measures the electron activity or potential of the fluid being measured.

Vincent found that water became degraded by flowing through areas unprotected by trees or through distribution pipes. It became more oxidized and lost its electrons. This was associated with a higher death rate in the community served by this oxidized or energy depleted water. It was difficult to ignore that the quality of water being drunk on a daily basis was reflected in the diminished quality of health of those drinking it.

Research on the Hunza people of northern Pakistan has indicated that the major difference between these long-lived healthy people and their less healthy brethren is in the water they drink. Living in the mountains, they have access to glacier melt from rushing mountain streams. This water is very high in electrons, energy and minerals. It is also in "micro" form, which means that it has increased power to dissolve minerals and salts.

3) Resistance, or R, was the third parameter measured by Vincent. This refers to the amount of dissolved minerals in solution in the water. The higher the R factor, the more pure the water; the lower the R, the more electrolytes in the water.

Schauberger showed rainwater was immature water and needed to go through a "cycle" in the soil, where it would pick up nutrients and become mature. On the other hand, glacial melt contains many minerals in solution and appears to be one of the main reasons that the Hunza people live so long in such good health.

As Vincent started to measure the water compartments in the body, the correlation between the drinking water, the quality of water in the body, and the quality of health became undeniable. He developed the B.T.A. or Biological Terrain Assessment to determine the alkalinity and energy of the body fluids including the blood, urine and saliva.

This test can evaluate the acid/alkaline balance and oxidative stress in the body and can be used to predict future health. Professor Vincent's solution was to move to an area of health-giving water, and he purposely withheld the location of the highest quality water that he found, for fear that everyone would want to move their and destroy the precious source of this water.

There is, therefore, a need to be able to duplicate this water in our homes, if we wish to be healthy, and free of diabetes, as clearly, we all cannot all live on a mountain or near an energized spring.

For more information on our pH Miracle ionizers go to: www.phmiracleliving.com

Water, though necessary for life, can also be detrimental. Contaminated water can cause serious health problems. Even water that has been deemed "safe" can still cause problems through continued exposure to many of the substances present in it.

In a recent preliminary investigation in Norway suggests a possible link between acidic drinking water and Type I diabetes. Children who consumed water with a pH between 6.2 and 6.9 were 3.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with Type I diabetes, compared to children drinking less acidic water, lead author Dr. Lars C. Stene and colleagues report in the September issue of the journal, "Diabetes Care".

Dr. Stene, who is with Aker and Ulleval University in Oslo , and his team evaluated tap water samples from the homes of 64 children with Type I diabetes and 250 healthy children drinking water with a pH of 7 or above.

Better, is water that has been purified through proper filtration like reverse osmosis or distillation and then alkalized and energized through a process of electro-magnetic micro-ionization.

The pH Miracle Activated Electro-Magnetic Micro-ionization Water Machine and pH Miracle Water!

The pH Miracle Activated Micro-ionized water machine was developed by Dr. Robert O. Young to satisfy the need for increased electrons in the water to neutralize excess gastrointestinal, respiratory and metabolic acids associated with clients challenged with over-weight, under-weight, hypo or hyperglycemia, diabetes, cancer and AIDS.

The most critical need is to correct the loss of electrons in blood, urine and saliva, which has been highlighted by my experience working with obesity, hypo or hyperglycemics, Type I and Type II diabetics, cancer and AIDS.

The vital importance of the rH2 or ORP measurement to overall health is impossible to ignore. If the blood is found to be oxidized by more than two units on the rH2 scale (the scale goes from 0 to 44, 22 being a healthy non-diabetic), this indicates that it has 100 times less electrons then a healthy level, and a person with hypoglycemia or diabetes will usually complain of some degree of low energy.

Over 25 (indicating 1000 times less energy or electrons in the blood) then the client is usually suffering from a hypoglycemia or chronic fatigue and diabetes, with its debilitating low energy. These high levels of oxidation are often associated with high levels of tissue acidity, indicating a generalized increase in aging of the tissues in these conditions.

A 40-year-old with hypoglycemia would often say, "I feel like I'm 70 years old," and their BTA test would give them a biological age of 72 years! Also, there urine rH2 would show an 18 to 20 where there blood rH2 would be at 25 or greater, indicating a high level of electrons being lost due to excess acidity in the blood and tissues.

As these clients reclaimed their health by alkalizing and energizing the blood and tissues, their biological age and oxidative stress would fall and their acid/alkaline balance would normalize. Initially, I would suggest drinking alkaline water, but after testing their drinking water, I realized that common sources of water were highly oxidized. I mean highly oxidized, with rH2 values approaching 30 or 10 to the negative 8. That is, 100 million less electrons or energy than should be in the blood.

It is important to note that all acids are saturated in protons and are enervating to the body. It is the electron that binds to the endogenous acids we create through our inverted ways of living, eating and thinking that makes drinking alkalized and energized water so critical in reversing obesity or any other serious illness or disease.

Because most folks are drinking oxidized or acidic proton rich water, the body has to add huge amounts of electrons to bring this oxidized acidic water up to the energy level of the blood, and yet promptly loses this energy again when it is passed out as urine. The figures for a person with obesity are often quite staggering.

Most municipalities have, on the average, an rH2 of 30 or greater; this means it has 10 to the 8th power less electrons (100 million less electrons) than the blood needs to be fully healthy at an rH2 of 22.

To make matters worse, the urine in diabetics is often loaded with electrons and can be reduced as much as rH2 19; that is, 1000 times more electrons than healthy blood. The reason for the increase urine rH2 is the body is constantly moving out the protons or acids created from the fermentation of sugars in the blood and tissues. The total deficit being close to 10 billion electrons per liter of water drunk and urine passed. Clearly, the degraded water we drink and the fermentation of excess blood sugars in the diabetic is acting as a huge drain on energy reserves causing pancreatic and adrenal stress.

After reaching these conclusions, I began testing micro-water machines from Japan and Korea. These machines would filter and alkalize the water and seemed to be the answer. However, there was just one problem: they did not reliably energize the water and often produced rH2 levels of 26 or higher, still 1000 times less energy than healthy blood of an overweight person.

I realized that most all other water machines had a basic flaw: they were all "flow-through" machines. They were very convenient because they fitted directly to the cold water tap and the micro-water came out immediately when the machine was turned on. But the reason that they did not and could not recharge the water to adequate energy levels, is that electrons move too fast in many of the flow-through set-ups, unless high amounts of electricity are used at high voltage.

Electrons move at approximately 4 feet per second, far too fast to adequately charge up the water flowing past the electrodes of all other water machines.

To solve this problem which is charteristic of all other "flow-through" water ionizing machines, we developed the pH Miracle Water Machine. The pH Miracle Water Ionizers, called the Orion, Aquarius and Jupiter have a way where the water can be exposed to the direct current for several seconds until it has adequately collected sufficient electrons creating a highly reduced water with an rH2 of 10 or 12, containing billions of electrons. This technology for making electron rich alkaline water is now available through our pH Miracle Water machines.

Drinking this electron rich water, I call pH Miracle Water, can help neutralize excess acids and restore the blood, tissues and organs back to a healthy electron-rich alkaline balance.

I have found the best results for increasing energy and health, is when a person drinks at least 1 liter of highly charged, electron-rich, alkaline pH Miracle Water alone or with the green powder at least 3 to 4 times a day.

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