
Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Guerrilla Guide to the Alkaline Diet

I've received a fair amount of emails asking how I was able to lose the weight so fast and decided to put together an extremely simplified and basic plan to the Alkaline Diet. Please note that the key component to my success was pain.

Anthony Robbins always talks about pain vs. pleasure. In order for me to make this work, I created a state of mind of "enough is enough" and the pain of continuing my existing diet of eating whatever I perceived tasted good and relieved stress, was worse than eating healthy and improving my body through healthy eating.

Until you can create enough pain with your current lifestyle choices, you will never be able to make a massive change. And as we all know, Massive Results are only obtained by Massive Change! There are no short cuts in life. Continue Reading >>

Monday, July 28, 2008

Energy, Sport and Exotic Fruit Drinks Lead To Physical and Emotional Imbalance

Over the last decade, acidic energy drinks -- such as Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar -- have become nearly ubiquitous on college campuses. The global market for these types of drinks currently exceeds $3 billion a year and new products are introduced annually.

Although few researchers have examined energy drink consumption, a researcher at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) has been investigating links between energy drinks and public health concerns like substance abuse and risky behaviors.

Two new research reports by RIA Research Scientist Kathleen E. Miller, Ph.D., examine the relationships between energy drink consumption and risk-taking in college students as well as "toxic jock identity" -- characterized by hyper-masculinity and risk-taking behaviors among college-age athletes.

Miller's research validates and expands upon existing concerns about acidic energy drink consumption: "The principal target demographic for energy drinks is young adults ages 18-25, but they're nearly as common among younger teens," she explains. "This is a concern because energy drinks typically contain three times the caffeine of a soft drink, and in some cases, up to 10 times as much. They also include ingredients with potential interactions such as taurine and other amino acids, massive doses of vitamins, and plant and herbal extracts."

According to Dr. Robert O. Young a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, "all the energy drinks, sport drinks and exotic fruit drinks on the market are highly acidic and saturated with hydrogen/proton ions that steals energy from the body. When you consume an energy, sport or exotic fruit drink the body will immediately go into preservation mode to protect the alkaline design of the body from systemic acidic poisoning. There is no net increase in energy when drinking these highly acidic beverages and should never be consumed. True energy comes from the release of electrons from alkaline foods and drinks. The electron is the spark of life and energy drinks, sport drinks and exotic fruit drinks robs that energy from the body leading to eventual sickness, dis-ease and disease."

In the first set of results published online in June in the Journal of Adolescent Health, Miller identified links between energy drink consumption, risky substance use and sexual risk-taking.

Frequent energy drink consumers (six or more days a month), according to Miller's findings, were approximately three times as likely than less-frequent energy drink consumers or non-consumers to have smoked cigarettes, abused prescription drugs and been in a serious physical fight in the year prior to the survey.

They reported drinking alcohol,having alcohol-related problems and using marijuana about twice as often as non-consumers. They were also more likely to engage in other forms of risk-taking, including unsafe sex, not using a seatbelt, participating in an extreme sport and doing something dangerous on a dare.
The associations with smoking, drinking, alcohol problems and illicit prescription use were found for white but not African-American students.

According to Miller, these findings suggest that frequent energy drink consumption may serve as a useful screening indicator to identify students at risk for what scientists call "problem behavior syndrome."

"Energy drink consumption is correlated with substance use, unsafe sexual activity and several other forms of risk-taking," Miller notes.

"For parents and college officials, frequent energy drink consumption may be a red flag or warning sign for identifying a young person at higher risk for health-compromising behavior."

In the wake of several recent deaths linked to energy drinks, a number of countries have instituted restrictions on their use. Some, like France, Turkey, Denmark, Norway, Uruguay and Iceland ban high-caffeine/taurine energy drinks altogether. Sweden only permits them to be sold in pharmacies as medicinal products.

Canada, which banned these drinks until 2004, now requires warning labels cautioning against use by children or pregnant women, use in large quantities or use with alcohol. However, energy drink consumption remains unregulated in the United States.

"The energy drinks, sport drinks and exotic fruit drinks compromise the alkaline design of the body. They all have a pH that runs between 2.5 pH and 3.5 pH which is 100,000 times more acidic then purified water. My blood research also indicates that these drinks compromise and may damage the delicate pH of the small intestine and the intestinal villi - the root system of the body.
When this happens the body cannot produce healthy normal blood which may lead to blood disorders, i.e., anemia, anisocytosis, anesthetized white blood cells, shistocytes or the breakdown of the red blood cells, and leukemia just to name a few. My best advise is never drink energy, sport or exotic fruit drinks and start drinking 4 to 5 liters of 9.5 pH alkaline water daily," states Dr. Young

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Vitamin C - Helpful or Harmful?

I have been know to call vitamin C the urine acid of citrus fruits. Vitamin C is an acid known as ascorbic acid that when mixed into foods and supplements must be chemically transformed into esters to be consumable. Vitamin C is destroyed by exposure to oxygen, metals, light and heat...therefore one can surely imagine what happens to it when it is processed.

Vitamin C is believed to be an antioxidant because oxidants (acids) that are in the body will oxidize (take electrons from) ascorbate first before affecting the body's proteins and lipids. This leaves oxidized forms of ascorbate. Oxidized ascorbate is believed to be relatively stable and unreactive and is believed not to cause cellular damage. I have disagreed for years and believe that over time a cumulative affect of taking in vitamin C, especially in unnatural and processed forms, is harmful just like taking too many enzymes (acids) too often and thereby tenderizing yourself.

The name "ascorbic" comes from its supposed property of preventing and curing scurvy. The scientific name of vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is derived from the Latin name of scurvy, scorbutus. Scurvy leads to the formation of liver spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from all mucous membranes. The spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs, and a person with the ailment looks pale, feels depressed, and is partially immobilized.

Yet, these are all symptoms of overacidity. In advanced scurvy, there are open, suppurating wounds and loss of teeth. Scurvy was at one time common among sailors, pirates, and others who were on ships that were out to sea longer than perishable fruits and vegetables could be stored and by soldiers who were similarly separated from these foods for extended periods.

Medical Science believes that Scurvy results from lack of Vitamin C, but I have gone on record to disagree. I say that that scurvy is caused by dehydration and a diet of dead and animal-based foods causing over-acidification of the blood and tissues leading to cellular breakdown i nto bacteria, yeast, and mold and the destruction of microvilli in the small intestine much like a rotting banana or piece of fruit getting mushy with dark spots.

The Dutch writer, Johann Bachstrom, in 1734, gave the firm opinion that "scurvy is solely owing to a total abstinence from fresh vegetable food, and greens which is alone the primary cause of the disease."

While the earliest documented case of scurvy was described by Hippocrates around the year 400 BC, the first attempt to give scientific basis for the cause of this disease was by a ship's surgeon in the British Royal Navy, James Lind. Again, it was well known that Scurvy was common among those with little access to fresh fruit and vegetables such as remote and isolated sailors and soldiers.

While at sea in May 1747, Lind provided some crew members with two oranges and one lemon per day, in addition to normal rations, while others continued on cider, vinegar, sulfuric acid or seawater, along with their normal rations. In the history of science this is considered to be the first occurrence of a controlled experiment comparing results on two populations of a factor applied to one group only with all other factors the same.

Lind published his work in 1753 in his Treatise on Scurvy which conclusively showed that citrus fruits prevented the disease. NOTE: These were whole natural and unprocessed fruits and lemons that are alkalizing and mineral rich as are limes which we will come to in a minute. It wasn't the vitamin C but rather the alkalinity, minerals, and combination of natural electrons which were operating. Citrus fruits were one of the first sources of vitamin C available to ship's surgeons. Lind's work was slow to be noticed, partly because he gave conflicting evidence within the book, and partly because the British admiralty saw care for the well-being of crews as a sign of weakness. Further, fresh fruit was very expensive to keep on board, whereas boiling it down to juice allowed easy storage yet destroyed the vitamins and the electrons (especially if boiled in copper kettles). Ship captains assumed wrongly that Lind's suggestions didn't work because those juices failed to cure scurvy while not realizing that they were cooked and processed down and not in their natural energetic electron rich form!

The source of sickness and disease is the build up of acidity and blockages, starting in the small intestine, which is kind of lack clogging the drain to the point of overflow (cold, flu, etc).

Vitamin C produces positive results because it breaks down undigested matter (like chicken and pork) in the digestive tract which improves digestion and promotes elimination.

Human beings are poisoning themselves with Vitamin C by taking it in excess for everything.

It is totally unnecessary.

Again, it is like taking an excess of enzymes (acids) and tenderizing onesself. In my many years of viewing people's blood and understanding their nutritional histories, I have never recommended that a person needs to take Vitamin C. The only time I would recommend it is for supporting the bowel in severe congestive situations.

If you are using Liquid Vitamin C, you are ingesting plenty and in a form that your body can use without harm. Plus, you get everything you need in terms of vitamin C by eating the pH Miracle diet of mostly vegetables, fats and low sugar fruits wherein Vitamin C naturally occurs.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

New! pH Miracle Water

Your body is 70 percent water.

Water composes 70 percent of muscle, 25 percent of fats, 75 percent of your brain, and over 80 percent of your blood.

Alkaline water water regulates your body's temperature, cushions and protects vital organs, aids in digestion, transports nutrients within each cell, and dispels acidic wastes. Alkaline water can also help prevent kidney stones caused by the body chelating excess acid with calcium.

One study showed that women who drank more than five glasses of water a day had a 45 percent less risk of colon cancer, also a result of excess acidity in the lower bowel. Yet, another study showed a decreased chance of bladder cancer when more than 2.5 quarts of fluid were consumed daily.

Maintaining your level of hydration is very important to the overall health of your pancreas and your body as a whole. You should be drinking at least four liters of alkalized and energized water, or about one gallon per day, based on 70 kilos or 154 pounds.

pH Miracle Activated Micro-ionized Water

So, what is pH Miracle Activated alkalized and energized water? To answer this question we must first look at a brief history.

In the 1930s two men made major discoveries that we are only now beginning to understand and act upon.

Victor Schauberger, a forester in the Australian mountains, discovered that water is a living entity that has truly remarkable powers as it emerges from high mountain Springs. If it were allowed to run between cool shady banks of the original forest, it would remain energized and be able to enrich the whole of the watershed in which it flowed. In deed, the whole in ecology of the land and animals, including man, depends on this energize water.

Schauberger showed that if the forest cover that shaded the banks of the water courses was logged and the water therefore became heated by the sun, the life-giving properties of primary water were gradually dissipated. The whole water cycle became disrupted; the fertility of the soil was depleted, and so was the health of all who drank the water.

Meanwhile, in France , Claude Vincent was commissioned by the French government to find out why certain areas of France have higher levels of cancer than others. Professor Vincent was a hydrologist. He therefore tested the water in these areas and confirmed independently, what Schauberger had found. The areas that had a high level of health and a low incidence of cancer had water that came from deep artesian springs and was highly energized.

The converse was also true.

The areas that displayed the highest cancer incidence and overall mortality were shown to have low energy-water that came from more superficial sources; by flowing through open country it had lost its ability to sustain health in the ecosystem.

Vincent , initially tested three parameters:

1) pH or acid alkaline balance: Healthy water was more alkaline; degraded water became more acidic. This was found long before the acid rain from industrial gases started to kill our lakes and rivers. Vincent also tested the pH of blood saliva and urine and found that in poor health the internal water was more acidic, especially in the tissues. The more acidic the tissues became, the higher the risk of the ill health cancer and of course diabetes.

2) rH2 was the second quality that Vincent measured. This is a measure of energy and reflects the number of electrons in the water. Unfortunately, energized water is called "reduced" water, and the energizing process called reduction, because the early scientist believed that electrical current flowed from the positive pole to the negative pole. We now know that it flows in the opposite direction, and it is the flow of electrons that does the work, whether in an electrical appliance or in the human body.

rH2 is also linked to the reduction oxidation potential (ORP), called "redox" for short. Again, oxidation means a loss of energy or electrons and a gain of protons or acids, and reduction means a gain in energy or electrons and a loss of protons or acids. rH2 or ORP measures the electron activity or potential of the fluid being measured.

Vincent found that water became degraded by flowing through areas unprotected by trees or through distribution pipes. It became more oxidized and lost its electrons. This was associated with a higher death rate in the community served by this oxidized or energy depleted water. It was difficult to ignore that the quality of water being drunk on a daily basis was reflected in the diminished quality of health of those drinking it.

Research on the Hunza people of northern Pakistan has indicated that the major difference between these long-lived healthy people and their less healthy brethren is in the water they drink. Living in the mountains, they have access to glacier melt from rushing mountain streams. This water is very high in electrons, energy and minerals. It is also in "micro" form, which means that it has increased power to dissolve minerals and salts.

3) Resistance, or R, was the third parameter measured by Vincent. This refers to the amount of dissolved minerals in solution in the water. The higher the R factor, the more pure the water; the lower the R, the more electrolytes in the water.

Schauberger showed rainwater was immature water and needed to go through a "cycle" in the soil, where it would pick up nutrients and become mature. On the other hand, glacial melt contains many minerals in solution and appears to be one of the main reasons that the Hunza people live so long in such good health.

As Vincent started to measure the water compartments in the body, the correlation between the drinking water, the quality of water in the body, and the quality of health became undeniable. He developed the B.T.A. or Biological Terrain Assessment to determine the alkalinity and energy of the body fluids including the blood, urine and saliva.

This test can evaluate the acid/alkaline balance and oxidative stress in the body and can be used to predict future health. Professor Vincent's solution was to move to an area of health-giving water, and he purposely withheld the location of the highest quality water that he found, for fear that everyone would want to move their and destroy the precious source of this water.

There is, therefore, a need to be able to duplicate this water in our homes, if we wish to be healthy, and free of diabetes, as clearly, we all cannot all live on a mountain or near an energized spring.

For more information on our pH Miracle ionizers go to: www.phmiracleliving.com

Water, though necessary for life, can also be detrimental. Contaminated water can cause serious health problems. Even water that has been deemed "safe" can still cause problems through continued exposure to many of the substances present in it.

In a recent preliminary investigation in Norway suggests a possible link between acidic drinking water and Type I diabetes. Children who consumed water with a pH between 6.2 and 6.9 were 3.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with Type I diabetes, compared to children drinking less acidic water, lead author Dr. Lars C. Stene and colleagues report in the September issue of the journal, "Diabetes Care".

Dr. Stene, who is with Aker and Ulleval University in Oslo , and his team evaluated tap water samples from the homes of 64 children with Type I diabetes and 250 healthy children drinking water with a pH of 7 or above.

Better, is water that has been purified through proper filtration like reverse osmosis or distillation and then alkalized and energized through a process of electro-magnetic micro-ionization.

The pH Miracle Activated Electro-Magnetic Micro-ionization Water Machine and pH Miracle Water!

The pH Miracle Activated Micro-ionized water machine was developed by Dr. Robert O. Young to satisfy the need for increased electrons in the water to neutralize excess gastrointestinal, respiratory and metabolic acids associated with clients challenged with over-weight, under-weight, hypo or hyperglycemia, diabetes, cancer and AIDS.

The most critical need is to correct the loss of electrons in blood, urine and saliva, which has been highlighted by my experience working with obesity, hypo or hyperglycemics, Type I and Type II diabetics, cancer and AIDS.

The vital importance of the rH2 or ORP measurement to overall health is impossible to ignore. If the blood is found to be oxidized by more than two units on the rH2 scale (the scale goes from 0 to 44, 22 being a healthy non-diabetic), this indicates that it has 100 times less electrons then a healthy level, and a person with hypoglycemia or diabetes will usually complain of some degree of low energy.

Over 25 (indicating 1000 times less energy or electrons in the blood) then the client is usually suffering from a hypoglycemia or chronic fatigue and diabetes, with its debilitating low energy. These high levels of oxidation are often associated with high levels of tissue acidity, indicating a generalized increase in aging of the tissues in these conditions.

A 40-year-old with hypoglycemia would often say, "I feel like I'm 70 years old," and their BTA test would give them a biological age of 72 years! Also, there urine rH2 would show an 18 to 20 where there blood rH2 would be at 25 or greater, indicating a high level of electrons being lost due to excess acidity in the blood and tissues.

As these clients reclaimed their health by alkalizing and energizing the blood and tissues, their biological age and oxidative stress would fall and their acid/alkaline balance would normalize. Initially, I would suggest drinking alkaline water, but after testing their drinking water, I realized that common sources of water were highly oxidized. I mean highly oxidized, with rH2 values approaching 30 or 10 to the negative 8. That is, 100 million less electrons or energy than should be in the blood.

It is important to note that all acids are saturated in protons and are enervating to the body. It is the electron that binds to the endogenous acids we create through our inverted ways of living, eating and thinking that makes drinking alkalized and energized water so critical in reversing obesity or any other serious illness or disease.

Because most folks are drinking oxidized or acidic proton rich water, the body has to add huge amounts of electrons to bring this oxidized acidic water up to the energy level of the blood, and yet promptly loses this energy again when it is passed out as urine. The figures for a person with obesity are often quite staggering.

Most municipalities have, on the average, an rH2 of 30 or greater; this means it has 10 to the 8th power less electrons (100 million less electrons) than the blood needs to be fully healthy at an rH2 of 22.

To make matters worse, the urine in diabetics is often loaded with electrons and can be reduced as much as rH2 19; that is, 1000 times more electrons than healthy blood. The reason for the increase urine rH2 is the body is constantly moving out the protons or acids created from the fermentation of sugars in the blood and tissues. The total deficit being close to 10 billion electrons per liter of water drunk and urine passed. Clearly, the degraded water we drink and the fermentation of excess blood sugars in the diabetic is acting as a huge drain on energy reserves causing pancreatic and adrenal stress.

After reaching these conclusions, I began testing micro-water machines from Japan and Korea. These machines would filter and alkalize the water and seemed to be the answer. However, there was just one problem: they did not reliably energize the water and often produced rH2 levels of 26 or higher, still 1000 times less energy than healthy blood of an overweight person.

I realized that most all other water machines had a basic flaw: they were all "flow-through" machines. They were very convenient because they fitted directly to the cold water tap and the micro-water came out immediately when the machine was turned on. But the reason that they did not and could not recharge the water to adequate energy levels, is that electrons move too fast in many of the flow-through set-ups, unless high amounts of electricity are used at high voltage.

Electrons move at approximately 4 feet per second, far too fast to adequately charge up the water flowing past the electrodes of all other water machines.

To solve this problem which is charteristic of all other "flow-through" water ionizing machines, we developed the pH Miracle Water Machine. The pH Miracle Water Ionizers, called the Orion, Aquarius and Jupiter have a way where the water can be exposed to the direct current for several seconds until it has adequately collected sufficient electrons creating a highly reduced water with an rH2 of 10 or 12, containing billions of electrons. This technology for making electron rich alkaline water is now available through our pH Miracle Water machines.

Drinking this electron rich water, I call pH Miracle Water, can help neutralize excess acids and restore the blood, tissues and organs back to a healthy electron-rich alkaline balance.

I have found the best results for increasing energy and health, is when a person drinks at least 1 liter of highly charged, electron-rich, alkaline pH Miracle Water alone or with the green powder at least 3 to 4 times a day.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The pH Miracle for Preventing or Reversing Bone Los

Prolonged use of Fosamax, also referred to by the generic name bisphosphonate alendronate, may increase the risk of fractures of the femur, the large thigh bone that connects the leg to the hip, according to physicians at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

There has been a build-up of evidence suggesting that long-term alendronate use may overly suppress bone metabolism, limiting the repair of microdamage and increasing the risk of fractures, Dr. Joseph M. Lane and colleagues report in the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma.

To investigate this risk, the New York-based research team reviewed all 70 patients femoral fractures admitted to their Level 1 trauma center between 2002 and 2007.
The average patient age was 75 years and the group included 59 women. Records showed that 25 patients
(36 percent) were being treated with alendronate.

Nineteen of the 20 patients who had the same fracture pattern were also taking alendronate, the authors report.
The other patient was later diagnosed with cancer.

The average duration of alendronate use was significantly longer in patients with femoral stress fractures than in the six treated patients without this type of fracture,
6.9 years versus 2.5 years, respectively.

Otherwise, there were no significant differences in age, race, weight or history of osteoporosis among patients with and those without this fracture pattern, the report indicates.

Lane and his associates call for further research to determine if this effect is associated with all bisphosphonate drugs and if it became apparent first with alendronate because this drug has been available for the longest time and is the most widely used.

In the meantime, "physicians prescribing bisphosphonates for longer durations should monitor patients for indications of bone regeneration," Lane advises in a university press release. If a blood test shows a low level of bone turnover, he recommends that bisphosphonates be discontinued until levels return to normal.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, "bone loss is the consequence of an acidic lifestyle and diet. The body pulls calcium ions into the blood from the bones to buffer excess dietary and metabolic acids that are not properly eliminated through respiration, defecation, perspiration and urination. This helps the body maintain its alkaline design."

"The use of bisphosphonates does not address the cause of bone loss - excess acidity. New research is now documenting this fact. To build healthy strong bones you need to build healthy strong blood. And healthy strong blood is built in the small intestine. Bones are a product of blood and blood is a product of a healthy bowel and a healthy bowel is a product of what you eat, what you drink, what you think and how you live. Therefore, the health of your bones is directly related to the consequences of your lifestyle and dietary choices," states Dr. Young

The following is Dr. Young's lifestyle and dietary suggestions for building healthy strong blood and then building healthy strong bones:

1) Exercise for 1 hour daily

2) Eat all alkaline foods

3) Drink 5 to 6 liters of alkaline water daily

4) Take antioxidant supplements like glutathione CO-Q-10, pHruits and pHolage and Doc Broc Power Plants

5) Ingest 100 grams of unsaturated oils daily like flax, hemp, pomegranate and avocado

6) Ingest 10 to 12 grams of mineral salts daily

7) Drink 1 ounces of liquid chlorophyll daily

8) Cleanse the bowels daily with mineral salts (Cleansing the bowels and the blood takes approximated 12 to 16 weeks. Dr. Young recommends at least a 14 day liquid feast with all liquid foods!)

9) Have a colonic everyday except for Saturdays and Sundays for at least 2 weeks.

10) Have a lymphatic massage daily

11) Have a infrared sauna daily

12) Minimize stress with meditation, prayer, deep breathing, restful sleep and 30 minutes of sunshine every day.

"The key to healthy bones is healthy blood and the key to healthy blood is a healthy bowel and the key to a healthy bowel is an alkaline lifestyle and diet," states Dr. Young.


The Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma May/June.
The pH Miracle
The pH Miracle for Cancer

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Better Health Without Vaccines and Anti-Biotics

Thomas Cowan, M.D. cited below, although eloquent and erudite, nonetheless waxes poetically right over the top of the primary issue on health and dis-ease.

The science of Dr. Young's "New Biology" including the his data of live and dry blood microscopy clearly establishes that the body is alkaline by design and acidic by function.

It's not a matter of simply allowing the dis-ease and disease function to operate in the manner of maintenance and self-correction. The issue is, and will always be, one of prevention. The only way to prevent illness is to honor, respect, love and incorporate those alkaline foods and drinks provided to us by nature. Only then will our nutritional requirements be met and illness prevented.

Dr. Patrick Sobota


A correction: Our way of living is out of sync with our basic structure.


Grounding the body...makes sense. Our way of living has far surpassed our basic structure.

In our almost messianic quest to wipe out child- hood disease--through vaccinations, antibiotics and fever-reducing drugs--we have produced a wasteland of children who are literally chronically sick and tired, spending lives feeling uncomfortable in their untransformed skins. It is as if we have prevented caterpillars from becoming butterflies because the time of immobility as a chrysalis can be dangerous. Well it is dangerous, at least a little, but it is more dangerous--in fact deadly--to never allow a child to fulfill his or her destiny and become a butterfly.

We urgently need to respect the transformative power of illness, to pluck up our courage and not succumb to those who promise better health through injecting us with poisons, or harsh anti-life medicines that become less and less effective. And more than anything we need to believe in the healing powers of our children's bodies, so we can give them the gift of confidence in their own strength as they embark on the challenges of adulthood.

Thomas Cowan, MD

Friday, July 11, 2008

An Acidic Lifestyle and Diet Negatively Effects Your Sex Life

There's new advice for older men who want to preserve their sexual function: have sex, and have it often, researchers say.

In a study that followed nearly 1,000 older Finnish men for five years, researchers found that those who were regularly having sex at the start of the study were at lower risk of developing Erectile dysfunction (ED) by the study's end.

In fact, the more often the men had sex, the lower their ED risk.

The implication, say the researchers, is that men should be encouraged to stay sexually active into their golden years.

Dr. Juha Koskimaki and colleagues at the University of Tampere in Finland report the findings in the American Journal of Medicine. The study included
989 men who were between the ages of 55 and 75 at the outset.

Overall, those who said they had sex less than once per week were twice as likely to develop ED over the next five years as men who had sex at least once a week. Furthermore, compared with men who had sex three or more times per week, their ED risk was decreased nearly four-fold.

"A number of factors contribute to ED development, many of which could also affect a man's sexual activity -- such as age, an acidic diet (meat, dairy and sugar), lack of exercise, and a stressful life. However, after taking account of those factors, sexual activity itself remained linked to ED risk," states Dr. Robert O. Young, of the pH Miracle Living Center.

It may be a matter of "use it or lose it," according to the researchers. Just as exercise boosts physical fitness, they note, regular sexual activity may help a man preserve his erectile function and sexual drive.

ED occurs when there are problems with blood flow to the penis. Regular sexual activity, Koskimaki's team writes, may help maintain healthy blood vessel function in the erectile tissue.

Dr. Young states, "you cannot very well have an erection when you are eating animal proteins, dairy products, bread, alcohol and sugar from fruits.
Acidic foods and drinks will cause blood cells to stick together causing poor or restricted circulation to the extremities, including the penis. It then becomes impossible to have an erection or to sustain an erection for any length of time. That is why erectile dysfunction medications are so popular and why ED has become so prevalent."

The most effective way to prevent any sickness or dis-ease, including erectile dysfunction is to maintain the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. This would include incorporating the following changes in lifestyle and diet:

1) Exercising for 1 hour daily

2) Eating all alkaline foods

3) Drinking 4 to 5 liters of alkaline water daily

4) Taking antioxidant supplements like glutathione CO-Q-10, pHruits and pHolage and chlorophyll

5) Ingesting 100 grams of unsaturated oils like flax, hemp, pomegranate and avocado

6) Ingesting 10 to 12 grams of mineral salts daily

7) Drink 1 ounce of liquid chlorophyll daily

8) Cleanse the bowels daily with mineral salts

9) Minimize stress with mediation, prayer, deep breathing, restful sleep and 30 minutes of sunshine.

As you maintain the alkaline design of your body, whether you are a man or a woman you can enjoy an active sex life for your entire lifetime.


American Journal of Medicine, July 2008.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Cell Phone Risks - You Don't Deserve Brain Cancer!

Some people appear to have an almost pathological emotional attachment to their cell phones and there is a fascinating suggestion that cell radiation pulses might actually be addictive to the human brain. We can't save those who would rather die than switch. But ethics compelled us to ensure that all reasonable people have access to the basic scientific facts.

Your cell phone is a microwave transmitter and it should bear a cancer warning, microwave energy oscillates at millions to billions of cycles per second. The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry reports that these frequencies cause cancer and other diseases by interfering with cellular DNA and its repair mechanisms. Microwave promotes rapid cell aging.

Italian scientists have recently demonstrated that cell phone radiation makes cancerous cells grow aggressively. Cordless phones marked 900 megahertz or 2.4 gigahertz emits the same dangerous microwave radiation as cell phones.

The connection between microwave exposure and cancer has been documented for years. During the Cold War, the Soviets irradiated the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, Russia, with low level, twin-beam microwave radiation.
Two successive ambassadors developed leukemia. Other staffers also developed cancer, or their blood showed DNA damage, which precedes cancer.

Research by University of Washington professor Dr. Henry Lai shows brain cells are clearly damaged by microwave levels far below the U.S. government's 'safety' guidelines. Dr. Lai notes that even tiny doses of radio frequency can cumulate over time and lead to harmful effects. He warns that public exposure to radiation from wireless transmitters 'should be limited to a minimum.'

Motorola advises consumers to avoid pointing a cellular antenna toward exposed parts of the body.
But independent tests show that cell phones can also leak huge amounts of radiation from the keypad and mouthpiece. This radiation deeply penetrates brain, ear and eye tissues, which are especially susceptible to microwave damage. Belt clip cases allow cell phones to deliver radiation to the liver or kidney areas when a wired, hands-free ear piece is used.

Recent studies confirm that cell and cordless phone microwave can:

* Damage nerves in the scalp

* Cause blood cells to leak hemoglobin

* Cause memory loss and mental confusion

* Cause headaches and induce extreme fatigue

* Create joint pain, muscle spasms and tremors

* Create burning sensation and rash on the skin

* Alter the brain's electrical activity during sleep

* Induce ringing in the ears, impair sense of smell

* Precipitate cataracts, retina damage and eye cancer

* Open the blood-brain barrier to viruses and toxins

* Reduce the number and efficiency of white blood cells

* Stimulate asthma by producing histamine in mast cells

* Cause digestive problems and raise bad cholesterol

* Stress the endocrine system, especially pancreas,
thyroid, ovaries, testes

In 1993, the telecom industry committed $25 million dollars for a series of research projects designed to prove that cell phones are safe. The studies proved just the opposite. They proved that federal microwave exposure standards are dangerously inadequate.

Cell damage and tumors can be easily induced in the lab at about one third of the FCC's exposure guidelines.

The telecom boys panicked. They and their lackey politicians and federal regulators decided the only lucrative thing to do was to LIE and DENY. Despite damning evidence, the FDA still prevaricates:

'There is no reason to conclude that there are health risks posed by cell phones to consumers.' Meantime, the telecom industry has been pressing to INCREASE BY MORE THAN 10 TIMES the allowable human exposure to cell phone radiation!

Luckily, Dr. George Carlo headed up the industry's study project. He presents the shocking facts in his book, Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless
Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage (Carroll and Graf, 2001). A summary of Dr. Carlo's book is this: Cell phones are hot, adequate protective regulations are naught, and Americans are being 'fried' so that the deceitful telecom industry can rake it in. It's dirty business as usual, and the longer the industry can con the public, the more billions it collects.

On June 16, 2002, CBS aired a Sixty Minutes segment which confirmed the telecom industry is about as grungy as it gets. CBS producers accused major phone service providers of cheating, scamming, forging signatures, switching phone service without permission and lying about charges. The attorney general of Connecticut stated that despite millions of dollars in fines each year, these companies remain incorrigible.
Should we trust this industry with our brain tissues and our very lives?

Microwave to the head is extremely hazardous to children. Parents in some European nations are now warned to keep children away from cell phones. A University of Utah researcher found the younger the child, the more radiation is absorbed by the brain.
Spanish researchers have shown that cell phones can alter electrical activity of a child's brain for hours, causing drastic mood changes and possible behavior and learning disabilities. Scientists fear that cell phone radiation could damage human embryos.

Pregnant women are advised to be wary.

A cell phone must greatly increase its field strength to maintain communications within the metallic cage of an auto. Thus, the effect of microwave radiation inside a vehicle is especially intense.

Volkswagen of Europe has warned that cell phone usage inside a car can be 'injurious to health due to the extremely high electromagnetic fields generated.'

Insurance studies in England showed that an average driver talking on a cell is actually more impaired in function and reaction time than a drunk. Finland's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority reports that one hour of exposure to mobile phone radiation can cause human cells to shrink. Researchers believe this is due to increased protein activity, an indicator of cell damage. What an unstable world needs now is a global population afflicted with incredible shrinking brains!

Brain cancer rates in USA have increased by 25% since 1975. In 2001, 185,000 Americans were diagnosed with some form of brain cancer. A grade four brain tumor can grow from the size of a grape to tennis ball size in just 4 months. Brain tumors are almost always fatal and most people die within 6-12 months after diagnosis.

On April 7, 2002, Sixty Minutes aired a fascinating report on brain cancer, explaining that scientists are unsure why incidence of the disease is growing so exponentially.

Ironically, the segment was followed by a Sprint ad, which advised parents that the best way to keep track of teenagers is to connect them to a cell phone.
While researchers say that radical damage to the brain can occur within the first few minutes of conversation, telecom ads encourage customers to spend many hours on the phone each month. Those blazing, full-page cell phone ads in newspapers and magazines must be the reason cell phone dangers are almost never discussed in the mainstream media.

An excellent resource tool is Robert Kane's book Cellular Telephone Russian Roulette (Vantage Press, 2001). As a telecommunications expert, Kane presents an impressive collection of studies showing that both government agencies and cell phone manufacturers KNEW YEARS AGO that cell phone radiation at present exposure levels is dangerous to human health.

He notes that cell phones would be rendered useless if their RF emissions were reduced to safe levels.

Reports of illness from heavy cell phone usage and from living or working close to powerful RF transmitters are synchronous with numerous cancer-related lawsuits now being filed against the cell phone industry. The insurance industry sees big trouble ahead.

Underwriters for Lloyd's of London refuse to insure phone manufacturers against damage to users' health.
Cell phones are today what tobacco was 40 years ago.

Friday, July 04, 2008

The Truth About Energy Drinks

The energy drink business is now a billion dollar industry. Currently, there are at least 200 energy drinks on the market and they are all acidic to the blood and tissues.

"There was a time when we would get our caffeine intake from coffee and cola, but now there are a number of caffeine containing beverages and we need to be careful because over a period of 24 hours that caffeine intake is cumulative," says Dee Rollins, R.D., PhD, dietitian with Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine.

In fact, energy drink consumers should keep careful track of the amount of caffeine they get in a day.

"If you know that 400 milligrams a day is the upper limit you can check the back of the labels and make sure that you don't get more than that," explains Dr. Rollins.

It may sound like a lot, but 400 milligrams is roughly the equivalent of just one energy drink and two cups of coffee. Getting more than that can lead to jitteriness, nausea, heart palpations -- and in extreme cases more severe acidic symptoms.

"It can be so bad that if you take too much caffeine you can end up in the hospital thinking you have flu-like symptoms and really it's caffeine overdose."

"So remember as you're sipping -- you are literally drinking an acid drink not an energy drink that is stealing the life right out of you. ALL of these so called energy drinks have a pH of around 2.5 to 3.5 with a proton saturation that runs in the positive 350mV to 450mV. This means with every sip you are causing the body to use its stored energy to ionize the acidic energy drink which results in an energy loss not an energy gain,"
states Dr. Robert O. Young, of the pH Miracle Living Research Center.

For most people are getting more than around 400 milligrams of caffeine a day making these energy drinks unsafe for human ingestion.

The following are some important things to remember if you decide to drink an acidic energy drink:

1) Don't drink any acidic energy beverages while exercising. It can lead to severe fatigue, lethargy and dehydration.

2) Don't ever mix these acidic energy drinks with alcohol -- it's popular -- but doing so can not only mask on how intoxicated you really are, it again can be extremely fatiguing and dehydrating.

3) Don't drink acidic energy drinks for energy because they only stimulate the body to buffer the acidic ingredients giving you the illusion of more energy when in reality you are losing energy. This can lead to extreme fatigue, lethargy and dehydration.

4) If the energy drink does not contain the acid caffeine it will surely contain some form of acidic sugar. Sugar in any form is a strong acid that robs the body of energy and should never be ingested. This would include all sugars that end in "ose" such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose, or dextrose or that end in "ol" such as sorbitol or xylitol.
Sugar in all forms is an acidic contributor to all sickness, dis-ease and disease.

5) There are currently no energy drinks on the market that will give you any sustainable energy. What they give you is a quick release of electrical energy designed for releasing alkaline buffers to neutralize the poisonous acids in the so-called energy drink. When you drink a so-called energy drink, all you prove is you can ingest a certain amount of poison and still manage to get through the day functioning.

In addition to caffeine and sugar, most of these energy drinks contain high amounts of carbonic acid which can be dangerous for diabeteics or those with high blood pressure.

"The best advise is to drink alkaline water with a pH/ORP of 9.5/-250mV and to avoid all acidic sport and energy drinks," states Dr. Young.

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